Hidden History in NT
(A preliminary result of personal research, not sourced)
I'm writing this in discord with apocalypticism. The real end times is when humankind violates the nature so that ecological collapse follows, and the existence of the civilization is at stake. Anyone trying to conjure other catastrophies and supernatural rescue operations are committing grave evil by replacing truth by fantasies. This story is to debunk all destructive and dangerous interpretations of the Book of Revelation.
I write this in discord with the interpretation methods of the Book of Revelation maintained by the Millerites, i.e. Adventists, Jehovas Witnesses, Christadelphians, the Baha'i and the Ahmadiyyas - their method is far, far wrong and dangerous. I also write this in discord with the interpretation methods popular among the Evangelicals, who predict a global catastrophy where they will go to heaven and everybody else will go to hell in the end times. There are no such end times, the only real end times can be avoided if humanity arms itself with knowledge as the sharpest weapon against destruction.
Prophecies in general
Prophecies are not:
- drug hallucinations,
- hallucinations by an insane person,
- a year-day coded map of the future.
Prophecies are:
- "meditations" on the near future, and when gematria and symbols are used, they are used to hide the real message from the rulers who may kill you for the message.
This is the prescribed correct method for any prophecy:
- identify who wrote the prophecy at what time,
- map the historical situation when the prophecy was formulated, and identify what real the symbols refer to,
- identify the political meaning of the message: who wrote it? for whom? intending what action?
- if you want to use the prophecy yourself, you should not propose the same literal action against a similar enemy according to your interpretations (the Evangelical way), you should use it as an allegorical description of spiritual forces ruling our lives (the Gnostic way) and not cause any mess and trouble that you didn't intend to cause.
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation consists of six parts:
- Rev 1-3 (7CA): the seven churches of Asia,
- Rev 4-11 (7S7T): seven seals, seven trumpets, THE END!
- Rev 12-19 (PZ): the woman clad in the Sun, with her son taken to heaven, the supernatural Beast menagery, and the wreckage of the great Babylon, and THE END!
- Rev 20 (SR): Satan/Dragon returns, then THE END again!
- Rev 21-22 (CPJ): the cubic planet New Jerusalem, and The Lucky END (yet again),
- Rev 22:6+ (JWH): "John" was here!
There are two times discussed for writing Revelation: short after the death of emperor Nero 68 AD, and after the death of emperor Domitian 97 AD. I presume that part 3 is written at the earlier time point, and the rest at some other time.
I presume that Rev 12-19 was a rally for rebellion against the romans, so it must have been written shortly after the death of emperor Nero, before the end of the Jewish Rebellion of 66-71 AD, implying that it was written in 68 or 69 AD. There was nothing such around the death of emperor Domitian, the first mention of a Domitian persecution occurred with the notoriously unreliable church historian Eusebius of Caesarea in the early 4th century.
I'll call the Rev 12-19 the "Prophecy of the Zealot" (PZ).
I decode PZ in the following way:
Rev 12: a Messiah pretender is killed by rulers in Judea, probably the Romans. The "Church" is persecuted and move out into the desert for a time. They find "water" there, which might be interpreted as water, as guerilla resistance, or as revelatory experiences by asketic living. This covers the years before 68 AD, probably the persecution dates to about 52–60 AD under Judean curator Antonius Felix (WJ II:13:4).
Rev 13: the first Beast the Roman Empire with seven heads one of whom had gotten a fatal wound (Nero is that head). 42 months left uninterpreted, except 42 = 7·6 and 7 use to be significant.
The second Beast is 666 which is gematria for nrwn qsr
(Neron Kaisar), but another discovered variant is 616 which is gematria for nrw qsr
(Nero Kaisar).
Nero was very popular among the poor Romans, so short after his very fatal death, he was prophecied to return - the so called Nero Redivivus myth; the emperor Otho was claimed to be Nero Redivivus.
Rev 15: seven angels - God is predicted to destroy all offensive peoples with seven plagues and a back-reference to Moses's ten plagues against Farao and the Egyptians to convince readers of the veracity of PZ.
Rev 16: seven angels with seven bowls of God’s Wrath, vaguely similar to the ten plagues of Exodus, but mismatched in number and order, the last one contains lightning and earthquakes splitting the Great City (Rome) in three parts.
Rev 17: the punishment of "Babylon the great" (Rome), seven hills on which she sits (seven hills of Rome), a prediction of the destruction of the Beast (the Roman Empire), seven kings - the Roman Emperors again waging war on the Lamb (the Messiah movement), and a prediction about all the peoples in the Roman Empire uprising against Rome. Here is where PZ fails the most: the entire chapter constitutes a false prophecy.
Rev 17 predicts: | the reality became: | ||
1. | Augustus | 1. | Augustus |
2. | Tiberius | 2. | Tiberius |
3. | Caligula | 3. | Caligula |
4. | Claudius | 4. | Claudius |
5. | Nero | 5. | Nero |
6. | noname | 6. | Galba |
7. | noname | 7. | Otho – Nero Redivivus |
8. | Nero Redivivus | 8. | Vitellius |
– | the Roman Empire has ceased | 9. | Vespasian |
– | the Roman Empire has ceased | 10. | Titus |
– | the Roman Empire has ceased | 11. | Domitian |
– | the Roman Empire has ceased | 12. | Nerva |
– | the Roman Empire has ceased | 13+ | Trajan, Hadrian and 65 more |
There was no grand multinational rebellion in the Roman empire in the 1th century.
Rev 18: poetry and predictions about the fall of Rome and aftermath.
Rev 19: more antiroman poetry.
The Word of God and his heavenly armies erects an eternal worldwide empire by stroking all other nations, exterminating all competing powers, enemy peoples and all misbehaving elements.
The supernatural menagery of Rev 13 are here thrown into a fiery lake of burning sulfur, the rest are simply killed by swords out of the Word of God, so that vultures can gorge on the flesh.
Rev 19 is the final failure of PZ - the Jews didn't win, they lost, so there were never a Zealot empire of Terror erected. The great Jewish rebellion was crushed, the Zealots, the Essenes and the Zaddokees disappear - probably because their teachings were now moot, the rebellion of the Zealots and Essenes failed, and the temple that the Zaddokees earned their living from was razed.
Rev 19 is also the one most hateful and violent chapter in the New Testament. It could not be considered being in accord with the peace teachings of Christianity of the 2nd century, hence it reveals that there was another violent rebellious Christianity before the end of the great Jewish rebellion, something that is hinted at by apologetic reinterpretations in the Gospels. I presume that this earlier Christianity was Zealotism.
In short:
- The Book of Revelation is written in six parts, whereof chapters 12-19 is a Zealot rally for rebellion against the Romans - this I call the "Prophecy of the Zealot" (PZ).
- PZ is a 68-69 AD prophecy about the 70-75 AD disintegration and fall of the Roman empire and an erection of a worldwide Zealot empire led by a spiritual Messiah - not necessarily Jesus - this prophecy failed and is therefore false. All usages must be symbolic, and they must symbolize "Roman," "Whore of Babylon," "Beast," etc. to mental states or else endangering the sanity and morals of the user.
- The violence and hate of PZ either contradicts Christianity, or points to an earlier violent Christianity intended to make revolution against the Romans. I prefer the later theory and this earlier violent Christianity is probably what is known as Zealotry.
This understanding reminds me of the "the Passover Plot" and "Those Incredible Christians" by Hugh J. Schonfield