Friday, 30 June 2017

Azrael Ondi-Ahman

Azrael Ondi-Ahman, real name Archie Dean Wood, is a former Southbaptist that converted to Mormonism but then decided to preach a new message, which have some traits in common with Gnosticism:

  • he claims that the world is ruled by an evil god Yaldaboath [sic], and it's emanation "Jehovah-Yahweh" although they didn't create this world,
  • he claims that Sophia Wisdom is the wisdom made manifest in God, which is in quite accord with antique Gnostic theory, who called the heavenly sophia Barbelo,
  • he claims that sex and procreation is necessary to be fully spiritual (but believes that the original Gnostics didn't), however this ethics is in accord with the Mandean opinion who are horrified by the Catholic ideas of celibacy and monasteries.

Azrael Ondi-Ahman has formed the "True Gnostic Church" based solely on his own book The Song of God declaring it to be the sole source for "True" Gnosticism in opposition to all other Gnostic Scriptures. In order to become a member of the "True Gnostic Church" you have to:

be at least 18 years oldgood so far, misleading young is evil according to Gnostic ethics
have read The Song of God in its entirety and have a working knowledge of its contentGnosticism per term coiner primacy is defined by Irenaeus (early 2nd century – circa 202 AD), so the 2008 AD book The Song of God should be irrelevant
must take the three covenants of Discipleship, Fellowship, and Titheit is notable that good Azrael requires Tithes for membership, this indicates that our man Azrael requires lots of money — good for him but not good for anyone else!

In opposition to real Gnosticism, Azrael Ondi-Ahman claims:

  • that the Demiurges didn't create this universe, therefore the Christian theodicé ("why did the good God create evil?") remains,
  • he rejects that this universe is "evil", which would (seemingly) imply that he denies that time, entropy, diseases and death are fundamental parts of this universe — but it might actually occur that he hasn't actually understood Gnosticism in depth,
  • he hails the "archons" as "arch-angels", which would (seemingly) imply that he hails forces of sinister passions that clouds clear judgement (in short: deadly sins) as virtues — but it might actually occur that he doesn't understand what the concept "archons" entail,
  • he disregards "aeons",
  • he claims that man created God, which is upside-down from real Gnosticism, which claims that "the principle" or "the notion" preceeds and causes the "instances" or the "examples".

My personal opinion about the man so called "Azrael Ondi-Ahman", i.e. Archie Dean Wood, is that he is a greedy cult leader that wants money and power based on an exclusivist "truth" message. His self-fashioned "religion" is only superficially Gnostic, not genuine since it disregards the Nag Hammadi library and Pistis Sophia, and it seems that Archie in reality haven't actually studied real Gnosticism, since he doesn't understand that the "evil" of real Gnosticism regards entropic decay rather than sadistic narcissist behavior of bad people that is usually regarded as "evil" by other religions.

Archie Dean Wood is a cult leader. Those who join his church will lose money and time. The better alternatives to Archie Dean Wood are:

  • join one of the non-cultic Gnostic movements, such as Ecclesia Gnostica, Societas Gnostica Norwegia, Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum or similar,
  • read everything yourself, before deciding,
  • try another religion according to your individual nature — according to my personal view, Gnostic enlightenment is the end point of the soul's travel, and it should not be forced upon anyone immaturely for any purpose.


  1. AnonymousJune 26, 2020

    I know of no membership or organizational structure by this man and if you would have read this book in its entire you would understand why he wrote it and answers to your accusations of contradictions the one groups you listed as alternatives are actually pagan satanic groups involved in witch ritual. You are a prosletyzer for Yaldabaoth but the children of the Heavenly Parents will hear their voices very clear. So get there hence.

    1. Thank you for your comment, although being a little sharp! I would reformulate my article today – it was some years ago – but still: why is this guy Azrael Ondi-Ahman claiming that he is the only real Gnostic, and the classic Gnostics are all false Gnostics. The established Gnostic litterature are the Nag Hammadi library, the Gospel of Judas and the Pistis Sophia, why is this Azrael Ondi-Ahman claiming that we shouldn't read what is known as "Gnosticism", and instead buy his stuff?

  2. Forget that Abrahamic joker!

    For the Ultimate Revelation that blows the lid off of all the gnostic and other superfluous crapola, taking you straight to the reality of yourself beyond life and death visit my Instagram page Wonderwall.

    See for yourself.

    Completely without any cost to you, and therefore not some crappy cult the satanic Illuminati Zionist Freemasons set up to inveigle you into.

    Take it or leave it.
    Instagram: khurramjazzlover


  3. A great tome nevertheless.
    Song of God.

    Kind of interesting that that might be a subtle rip-off of the Bhagavad Gita somewhere.

    Brahma is El-Yahweh the Demiurge.

    Brahman is Eidos.

    For the more relevant to the phenomenal kabbalistic Matrix to peer behind the veil (vril) visit

    YouTube channel: cjbbooks

  4. Gnosticism I discovered after considerable direct experience presents you with yet another false dichotomy or duality:

    Yahweh / El Kanno VS. Aeon Teleos / Monad

    On top of the existing mainstream Christian duality:

    Yahweh VS Satan

    Both systems are FALSE because they never provide one with any closure.

    Cf.Kabbalah [Real World Zionic Matrix]VS Gnosticism VS Gnosticism [NeoPlatonism]

    What is hidden to you up to now.

    Sabbatean Frankists

    When you lose interest and tire of the repetitious reptilIOUs nature of material-spiritual experience it just falls away one day of it's own accord and you become one with what Archie calls Eidos or Ayin nothingness.

    You recognise that you are the Ultimate Knower/Seer with no one there that sees.

